Who We Are
Leading service and advocacy organization for Latinos around issues of cancer.
LCC believes the quality of life is vital for a longer, healthier and more productive life; and addresses some of the root issues of cancer-care disparity–prevention, intervention and support. This is made possible through education, awareness, access to quality care and research.

Our Story
Founded in 2003 by award winning journalist and visionary cancer survivor Ysabel Duron, Latinas Contra Cancer works to create an inclusive health care system that provides services to the underserved Latino population around issues of breast and other cancers. This Latina founded and led agency, addresses the needs of Latinos across the cancer continuum (prevention, diagnosis, treatment, patient support, survivorship and end of life), by providing health education, patient navigation, survivorship support, research and advocacy.
LCC works with diverse nonprofits, schools, churches, healthcare systems, universities and government entities to create real community change and directly impact the lives of those we serve. We use culturally appropriate events to engage residents in screening activities and when needed match them with a promotora – a vetted peer from a similar background to that of our clients, who is trained to help clients navigate cancer and the various health systems with which they may interact. That means that we provide culturally and linguistically sensitive health education, patient navigation, and survivorship support. As a Latina-created and led agency, we understand the barriers that our families encounter such as: cultural and language gaps between themselves and providers; limited resources (lack of income, employment that does not include sick leave, no or low health insurance, lack of transportation, suitable housing, or childcare); lack of awareness about cancer risks, prevention information, screening methods; and fear of bad news, pain, or deportation. In short, we’re working to increase access to screening, healthcare and daily resources for families facing a myriad of challenges, which make their healing process manageable and sustainable.
Since 2003, LCC has educated over 7,500 individuals about cancer, resulting in hundreds of preventive screenings and many early detections. In 2010, LCC piloted the first of its kind patient navigator program at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Sobrato Cancer Center and has served 500 Spanish speaking cancer patients through thousands of patient navigator interactions and monthly support groups. Using its in-house curriculum, LCC has trained over 200 community health educators (promotoras) from Florida to Texas and throughout California. LCC has convened six National Latino Cancer Summits bringing together 1,000 researchers, advocates, community health workers. In 2019, LCC celebrated the opening of its Wig & Prosthesis Boutique. Since its opening in March, the Boutique has served nearly 60 women in need and at no charge.
Latinas Contra Cancer strives to eliminate health inequities by identifying and removing the obstacles underserved Latino populations face within healthcare systems when accessing health education, prevention and care. We do this both through direct service and enhancing the capacity of Latino communities to understand cancer issues and effectively advocate for themselves in health care settings.